Fig 1
DESCRIPTION: Up to 18mm. The Marsh Crane-Fly is a common species recognised by the grey head with antennae that have 13 segments. The gap between the underside of the eyes is very narrow. The thorax is grey as is the abdomen in the males although in the females it is more brownish. The rear of the female's abdomen is pointed to assist in inserting the eggs into damp soil. The males have more squared-off ends to their abdomens. The wings have a noticeable chocolate-coloured costal cell. The legs are orange with black rings at the apex of the femur. BEHAVIOUR: Prior to egg-laying females will be bulked up with up to several hundred egg. The adult will only eat a little nectar or pollen during its lifetime. The insects raison d'être is to simply to mate and produce the next generation. DISTRIBUTION: Widespread throughout Britain. HABITAT: Damp grasslands, gardens and woodland edges. PERIOD: April to October.

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